torsdag 8 maj 2008

'1 for 10' Volvic campaign

When reading Heat Magazine today, yes it can be very useful and not just a waste of time, I came across a very interesting add for Volvic mineral water. The headline was that "1L of water here means 10L in Africa", and says that for every 1L of water bought in the UK 10L of water will be generated in Africa as Volvic has set up a partnership with World Vision to build new wells in Africa to provide the people with fresh water.
I went online and the '1 for 10' website is a very interactive website with lots of information about the campaign. There are nine different sections where you can, for example, find out more about the campaign and world vision, get more information about the countries where the project is being carried out and find out how you easily can get involved.
Under the 'Get involved' section it encourages visitors to tell their friends and set up groups on Facebook to inform about the campaign. This special reference to Facebook shows how incredibly powerful social networks have become and is a commonly used tool event for large corporations. Another thing the site encourages visitors to do to help is to put up their posters, which you can download from the website.

The '1 for 10' campaign has also got some third party celebrity endorsement through Thandie Newton who hasa gotten involved with the project and is a very important part of the website. Online there is a 'Thandie's story' part with photos and videos from Thandie's visits to Africa. Furthermore tehre is also a personal letter from her and some general information about her career so far.

I really like this website as it is simple to use, it has lots of videos and photos to make the information more visiual and thereby personal, and there is a '1 for 10 Totaliser' constatly updating how much water have been generated so far. The only thing that is missing is some kind of a forum for supporters and maybe some blogs from the team in Africa. At the moment there is a lot of videos and individual profiles of the different stakeholders, i.e. the World Vision and Volvic team, local kids and Thandie Newton, which is really good but a blog that's updated at least a few times a month would be good to show how the project is getting on.

A somewhat synical point may be that no matter how well the project goes, it will be very good PR for Volvic.

I don't buy bottled water very often, but will probably choose Volvic in the future; it's for a good cause..!!

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